2023 champs dates now up!
The races in the Helsby Running Club 2023 fell, road and trail championships are now live. Get involved, get running. Most of these races are friendly, within striking distance and fairly cheap to enter. The …
The races in the Helsby Running Club 2023 fell, road and trail championships are now live. Get involved, get running. Most of these races are friendly, within striking distance and fairly cheap to enter. The …
The 2021 Club Championship winners were announced this evening during a presentation at Helsby Community Sports Club (after the summer handicap race) and are listed below. Due to the pandemic, the 2021 Championship just consisted …
We’re delighted to announce the following winners of the 2014 road and fell championships and the 2014/15 XC and Border’s League winners. Congratulation all on your trophies, representing a lot of dedication and hard work. …
Download the complete list of club champions since 1980 — men’s, women’s, road, fell, xc, Border’s League as well as summer and winter handicap winners and winners of the Joe Beswick trophy for services to …
Pardon the interruption — we’ve just heard this morning that our grinning off-road specialist Jayne Joy has been picked for an England vest! More details when we have them but everyone from Helsby couldn’t be …
He’s done it! Andy Robinson writes: Joss Naylor Lakeland Challenge, 22 July 2011 This was the run I’d been training for since the beginning of January. It was why I’ve been running reps up and …
Just a quick Big Up for Steph Charman, ex of this parish, whom many of you will know. She came away from the Cloud 9 fell race (and Cheshire Championship race) with her age category. …
Andy Robinson writes to let us know about a new service from the club for slackers, part-timers, the retired and the non-gainfully employed[1] …the Monday morning hill session. The format is simple: Monday mornings, 9:30, at …
Wednesday night saw one of the Clubs more popular ‘fell races’. The Ponderosa Hill Race. Direct link to results can be found here: http://wrexhamathleticclubraceinfo.webs.com/4%20Mile%20Hilly.pdf Helsby positions and times as below 13th Adair Broughton 28.56 16th …
Last week’s Green Grass of Home race provided a hugely entertaining finish for bewildered border runners. A popular mid-week race, the Green Grass keeps everyone on their toes (with consequent aching calves) by changing the …