Helsby Running Club

Robbie Webster Wobbler

2024 Race

Results are on Roster or at: 2024 RWW Individual Results and 2024 RWW Team Results

2023 Race Report

What a difference a year makes!!

After last year’s total washout, the 105 runners that started the race were blessed with almost perfect conditions on the 5.2 mile course.

Peter Taylor-Bray of Chorlton was the Men’s Winner in an almost unbelievable time of 34.54 [Editor: current British Orienteering Champion 2022!] absolutely obliterating the existing course record by over 45 seconds, and a full 4 minutes ahead of second place Ricky Challinor of Buckley with the Male Vet winner Chris Callaghan also from Buckley third in 39.11.

For the ladies, our own Hannah Cowley, the current ladies’ record holder, mopped up the top spot in 44.29, with Hollie Carrington second in 48.12 and coming home third was Helsby’s Alison Halsall who also collected the ladies’ Vet crown.

The Team prizes went to Buckley for the men, well done to Ricky Challinor, Chris Callaghan and Sam Bellis.  Penny Lane Striders took the ladies’ honour with Alice Fraser, Lisa Crosby and Kam Dosanjh taking home the win.  Well done to you all!!

Massive thank you to everybody who gave up their evening in any capacity to come and help put on this event your support is greatly appreciated.

Finally, a big shout out to the Forest Hills Hotel without their support we could not put the event on.

2022 event results and report

Race results here

Well, what did we do to deserve that weather?

Some loved it, some hated it, and the marshals had to endure it. Before moving on to the results, a huge thank you to everyone involved in putting this event on. Standing around in that weather was not nice but you did it with a smile on your face and the comments we have had have been amazing.Onto the race itself. 125 places sold out within 24 hours, 100 runners towed the start line and all

100 got home safely and completed the correct course this year.

Ben Biggs was unattached last year but is now running for Buckley after being pestered by Cally. His 1st place finish was also a new men’s course record in 37.31. The battle between himself and ean
Merryweather was great to watch. Sean finished 2nd recording a time that also would have been a course record in 38.20 and flying the Cheshire Dragons flag proud. Tom Booth of West Cheshire came through in 3rd in 40.32.

1st back in the Men’s Vet 40 category was Chris Callaghan of Buckley, 1st Men’s V50 was Simon Roberts also of Buckley and Men’s V60 1st place was taken by Dave Boothroyd, obviously from Buckley.

In the women’s race, Helsby’s own Hannah Cowley smashed the women’s course record in an outstanding 43.13 to take the win. It will be great to see what Ben and Hannah can do in dry
conditions if they return to defend their titles next year. 2nd home was Kerry Riley from West Cheshire in 47.48 and 3rd home was Jodi Bemand also from West Cheshire in 49.35.

The men’s team award went to Buckley who retained their crown with their first 3 runners through in the top 7 places, well done Ben Biggs, Chris Callaghan and Jez Brown. The women’s team award went to the Green Army, well done Helsby’s Alison Halsall, Kim Watching and Kathryn Schofield.

Apart from the weather, which was comical at times, I hope everyone had a great night. I know just how popular this race is and thank god you all got to complete the correct course this year.

My last mention is to Forest Hills, who without their support we could not put the event on, so here is a little plug for them. They have leisure club memberships and an excellent bar and restaurant so please call them on 01928 735430 for more details. Helsby RC are also taking £50 of the race fees on behalf of Forest Hills and shall donate this to Halton Haven.

Hopefully see you all again next year
Chris Fitzpatrick & Peter Rodriguez (Race Organisers) & all at Helsby RC

2021 Wobbler

Race Report

WE ARE BACK! It’s been a horrid past 18 months for lots of different reasons so it was great to see so many familiar and new faces running our first race since covid hit. Limited to 75 places this year, we shall hopefully be back to full capacity in 2022 and we cannot wait to welcome you all back.

So, we had the runners, we had the weather, what could possibly go wrong? A little detour on the course meant a hill was missed out and around 0.3 of a mile but thankfully like lemmings you all followed each other so everyone ran the same route. No need to thank us as we know it’s been a long time since you’ve all raced so we thought we would help you out a little ?

Onto the race. I hope you all agree that the 3 wave starts helped with congestion on that first climb, and I think it’s something we may keep in years to come when we are back to full capacity.

Ben Biggs (unattached….Helsby RC contract in the post mate) absolutely flew out of the blocks. He was looking to get the course record and I actually think he would have been very close, he finished in 35:59 and 1st place. He’s promised to come back again next year and defend his title so we look forward to seeing him return. Patrick Stradling (Vale Royal AC) came through in 36:42 for 2nd and the man who would love to run in a Green Army vest one day as he spends that much time on Helsby and Frodsham hill came 3rd in 36:45, well done Lawrence Eccles (Penny Lane Striders).

In the Mens Vet 40 category, Chris Callaghan (Buckley) was 1st home in 37:44 (I used to beat Cally, not any more), Duncan Harris (Deeside orienteering) was the winner of Mens Vet 50 in 39:43 and Iain Wood (Chester Tri) won the Mens Vet 60 prize in 48:12.

1st home in the ladies race was Tracey Rogers (Buckley) in a very impressive time of 43:31, followed by Kate McFarlane (Penny Lane Striders) in 2nd with a 44:05, and Keely Smith (West Cheshire) just behind in 44.19 grabbing 3rd.

Claire Andrew (Warrington AC) was the winner of the ladies Vet 40 46.06, Sharon Eaton (Chester Tri) won the Vet 50 in 1.01.31, and a super run from Helsby’s own Debbie Read (Helsby) in 55.42 bringing home the Vet 60 prize. Well done Debs.

The team award is always hotly contested, and I think Helsby need to put less marshals out and more runners next year, so we can challenge the winners on the night, Buckley. Congratulations to Chris Callaghan, Jez Brown & Pete Gray.

Buckley Runners221
Delamere Spartans462
West Cheshire AC483
Helsby Running Club494
Penny Lane Striders595
St Helens AC996
Chester Triathlon Club1107
Warrington Road Runners1468

I do hope you all enjoyed being back racing, the feedback so far has been great and once again thanks to the marshals and everyone who put their time and effort into this event to make it a real success.

My last mention is to Forest Hills, who without their support we could not put the event on, so here’s a little plug for them. They have leisure club memberships from £28 per month, no joining fees please call 01928 735430 for more details.

Helsby RC are also taking £50 of the race fees and asking Forest Hills to nominate a charity of their choice as a way of thanks, as we would normally sell cakes on the night but for obvious reasons, we couldn’t do that this year.

Hopefully see you all again next year

Chris Fitzpatrick (Race Organiser) & all @ Helsby RC


Race Report 2019

A close but stunning evening greeted the 146 Wobblers for the 2019 Robbie Webster’s Wobbler race. Following the 10 or so days of rain, Robbie looked down and supplied the sun thus revealing the real beauty of Frodsham woods through long shadows and a setting sun. Despite the rain of the previous days, the terrain was remarkably firm and the heat of the day meant one could feel the moisture evaporating off the trails.

The race set off to a flying start with Chris Larkin (39.11) leading from the front and Mr. Biggs of Chester Try (39.13) literally on his heels the whole way. Rumour has it there was a leading runner from Penny Lane that needed to have a word with himself (missing the switchback turn on the way down from the monument) which may have only served to make the race tighter at the front, as Robbie Green came in 3rd in 40:20, but it was clear that Chris had no intention of letting his lead go. Given that the course record is 39.02, I don’t think it will be long before it falls.

In the ladies race it was a close affair too. Liz Turner (47.39) of Penny Lane who took the win and the ladies trophy. Susie Fourie of Chester Tri is no stranger to the North West fell running podium and pushed Liz hard; returning just 29 seconds later to take second and the first ladies vet prize. Kate MacFarlane of Penny Lane managed to create a gap over Kerry Riley of West Cheshire to take 3rd by 44 seconds; home in a time of 49.02.

Vets wise, it was Duncan Harris (M50) who was first home just 41 seconds ahead of long time reigning Vets champ and M40 winner Jez Brown (42.23). Paul ‘The Frodfather’ Frodsham took the M60 in 50.09 and the legend that is John Morris claimed the wine for his M70 win. In the ladies Susie had already claimed the W40 prize so it was down to Helsby’s own Rachel Arnold (W50) and Debbie Reed (W60) to claim the remaining vets categories. Olivia Nicholsen picked up the WU23 category in 60:54.

Thank yous + Offer:
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the marshals. I’ve had a lot of positive messages for the race and the friendliness and encouragement shown by the marshaling team. The race doesn’t happen without them and they embody all that is good about Helsby running club.

I’d also like to say a big thank you to Forest Hills; again, this race would be extremely difficult and probably unsustainable without their help. They also have a fantastic offer on for all those that came and wobbled, as participants can join the health club for just £25 per month. This would be the monthly price for the year, includes all the classes, gym, steam, sauna, jacuzzi, pool, etc. the contract is monthly; i.e., you can give notice within the 12 months. Bargain. If you’re interested then mail or visit Tim Pender (tim.pender@foresthillshotel.com)

Provisional results are attached in both PDF and Excel. Any errors/ name corrections (some handwriting is harder to read than others!) please let me know – ideally via messenger to the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RobbieWebstersWobbler/ NOTE: This is the best place to get news of next year’s race.




Race details

Wednesday 19th June 2019
Registration from 6:15-7 pm
Race Starts @ 7:30pm
Parking at Forest Hills, Frodsham, WA6 6HH

Route: https://www.strava.com/segments/5387099


Race entry = £5. As per previous years, results and prize giving will be on site this year. Pay on the day

Tell me more…

Now with a cult following, we’re back! Helsby RC would like to invite you all to join us again for this year’s Wobbler. It is a mid-week memorial race set up after the club lost one of its well-loved members Robbie Webster. The race is over and around Frodsham hill. It’s all trails, but with the sort of ascent, you’d normally find in a fell race. So if you’re curious about fell racing, love a challenge, or just need a bit of extra hill work then come along and give it a go!

This is an open race – last year we had 146 wobblers. We were pleased that nobody got lost and everyone that could make it back to the clubhouse afterwards enjoyed a social. The route is fully marked and marshalled and we have a show-up and pay on the day policy.

This year it will again be an open race and we are inviting all local clubs and runners to come and have a go. It’s only 8.4km (5.2 miles) yet it packs in 370m (1220ft) of ascent – it’ll leave you wobbling!


We have perpetual trophies up for grabs – (1st male & female, 1st male and female Vet’, male and female Team prize (position of first three runners count) as well as a modest prize for the various age categories.

Stop Press! We now have a Facebook page, so in addition to being able to sign up for mail drops you can find links to pictures and all things Wobbling here: https://www.facebook.com/RobbieWebstersWobbler/ 

Race report 2018:

Robbie Webster’s Wobbler 2018

A super hot day saw a record 170 runners turning up to take on the mighty wobbler! I think this is pretty much course capacity without changing the start location, and it was simply fantastic to see so many people toeing the line. I’d like to start with a huge thank you to Forest Hills for allowing us once again to use the carpark and toilet facilities – The race just wouldn’t be possible without their support of this local race. Given that when I returned I found most people in the bar enjoying the sun terrace it seemed like the perfect location to do prizes so I’d like to thank Forest Hills for allowing us to do that and all participants that stuck around for a drink or two in the sunshine.

Secondly I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the marshals. I’ve had a lot of positive messages for the race and the friendliness shown by the marshalling team; Helsby proving once again that they know how to put on a great race. In an effort to slim down the impact of the race on the environment, I purposely didn’t mark up the East side of the course this year. I feel I need to confess that I’ve subsequently ‘had a word with myself’ as on the return trip it led to a handful ~10 people going wrong. Sorry! I will rectify this for next year.

Murphy’s law dictated that the farmer decided to do some spreading on his field just as the races went through. Combined with the hot weather this significantly increased the fly count, however I saw nothing but smiling faces at the end.

Leading from the start was my great friend, training and race partner Max Wainwright. Despite a strong challenge from both Laurence Eccles (2nd) and Robert Green (3rd) Max had a strong return section to retake the lead from Robert and take it home. Dave Alexander comfortably took the MV40 whilst Benjamin Webb showed his potential coming home in 13th place at just 16 years of age. The MV50 category was hard fought with Mark Liptrot coming away with the spoils by just 21 seconds, and the MV60 was even tighter with just 18 seconds separating the winner, Iain Wood, from Stephen Bellis. John Morris, inspirational as always, romped home for the MV70 title.

In the ladies race it was an extremely tight affair. Susan Fourie going one place better than last year to take the title in 50:14, just 29 seconds ahead of second place Alison Halsall (WV40) followed 4 seconds later by Jen Adams; superb running by all. Karen Forster took the ladies WV50 again, albeit by just 45 seconds; Debbie Reed rounded things off taking the WV60 title.

In the team prize the 2nd and 3rd place in the men’s made Penny Lane almost impossible to beat, whilst Helsby ladies took the team prize.

Provisional results are now up (huge thank you to Laura for that!). No high-tech solutions here, the 170 names are hand typed and we’ve had some interesting handwriting to deal with. We also had a group of runners who decided they would go back up onto the hill after finishing and returned with their numbers on thus causing some issues for the finish line team; if there are any errors that you can spot then please let me know.

I’d just like to thank everybody who came together to make the race such a success and I hope to see you all again next year!



2018 race results

Provisional Wobbler results 2018