Tag: <span>Nesta Hawker</span>

Know your fellow members

Sue Buck

Sue Buck, Lad’s Leap fell race

Age: v50

Height: 5ft 3 1/2

Place of Birth: Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

Started running when: Early 40s.

Average weekly mileage; 25 – 30 currently. Normally between 20 and 25.

Best PB’s:

  • 5k 24:21
  • 10k 49:40

Most successful year; 2014. I did the Sandstone Trail Challenge and then got a number of PBs afterwards. I also got injured from not resting enough after the challenge and going from running slowing through mud to tarmac slapping through 5ks.

Biggest regret: Not starting to run earlier.

One race you could run again and why? Most of the fell races I’ve done, especially the ones with a good cake rating and especially if there’s some boggy Lancashire moorland to be enjoyed.

Best training tip: Core strength is more important the older you get so don’t neglect strength and conditioning sessions. Also a dedicated flexibility session.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know.
This might not be fascinating, but I have a degree in French and Russian.

Favourite Food; Cheese, tomato and mayo sandwich. Cheese in general in fact!! And of course cake.

Favourite Drink; Red wine, real ale, gin.

Favourite Film; I’ve not really got a favourite as I seem to forget them. Recently I enjoyed The Darkest Hour.

Favourite Band/Song; Queen. Bohemian Rhapsody or Muse, Newborn

Interests apart from running: Cycling, hiking, playing the piano and flute.

Janet Robertson

Janet Robertson

Age: 53

Height: 5ft 7

Place of Birth; Kent

Started running when; 800m runner at school but then lapsed until the early 1990s when I started running again to get fit for climbing trips

Average weekly mileage; 0 for the last 8 months but would usually be between 20 and 30, should be back running soon

Best PB’s: In the old days, when results arrived through the post in an envelope, I kept them in a folder but at some point decided to throw them all away. If I had them I would have put up some fell race PBs!

Most successful year; it is all a bit of a blur but at some point in the 1990s I ran fell in a Cheshire vest and was getting points in the English fell champs. More recently in 2017 I won a cabbage, some rhubarb and green beans all in one season.

Biggest regret: throwing away all my results, they would be historical documents now

One race you could run again and why? Race the Train, Tywyn – a great fun event with a brilliant post race party

Best training tip: Yes do some training, great idea. Lots of people in the club can tell you how to do it

A fascinating fact about you we would not know.
I spent a decade of my younger years riding motorbikes and worked as a motorcycle courier for a while

Favourite Food; Victoria sponge cake (or any cake really)

Favourite Drink; tea (decaff)

Favourite Film; Billy Elliot

Favourite Band/Song; Vivaldi’s Gloria or Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now

Interests apart from running: driving my two lovely teenagers around to do their activities usually takes up most of my spare time!

Nesta Hawker

Age: 54

Height: 5ft 7

Place of Birth; Ruthin, North Wales

Started running when; I was about 39 and gave up smoking. I was so proud when I ran one mile without stopping

Average weekly mileage; around 15- 20 miles, more when training for longer event

Best PB’s: rubbish at keeping tabs

  • 5km about 22
  • 10km about 52
  • HM 01:56.56 (have a photo of the time from the great north half 😂)
  • Mara 4hrs 41

Most successful year; 2016 although training for Dublin marathon made me suffer loads of bugs

Biggest regret: No real regrets with running just that I had started when I was younger

One race you could run again and why? London marathon. The support all along the run was fantastic and is a defo must-do race. Running past Buckingham Palace and across Tower Bridge was so emotional. I raised £4000 for pancreatic cancer research in memory of my lovely dad.

Best training tip: Run on tired legs will make you

A fascinating fact about you we would not know.
I am a magistrate

Favourite Food; Roast chicken

Favourite Drink; White wine

Favourite Film; Don’t really have a favourite – always happy to rAlsiewatch the holiday, Forrest Gump

Favourite Band/Song; rag and bone. I am giant

Interests apart from running: just discovered the body coach on u tube, walking but most of all I love exploring the world

Alison Halsall

Age: 50

Height: 5ft 6 and a half

Place of Birth: Preston

Started running when;I started ‘jogging’ as an unfit 19 year old student in France. I did run a 5km beach race in Brittany. I then carried on playing at running in my twenties with my Dad. I ran a few local short races and the Blackpool half having only ever ran 9 miles once before when I was around 30. I only truly found running since having my daughter 11 years ago and after joining Helsby running club.

Average weekly mileage;Around 20 miles, often less, unless training for a race

Best PB’s: I am a bit rubbish at following my own times!

Most successful year; Not really sure but would have to be the year I ran the London marathon in 2013 as I was training hard, it was my first ever marathon and I was running for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation in memory of my Mum – with lots of support raised over £2,500. I also got 1st place for my age in the Chester half.

Biggest regret: Not so much regret but do wish I’d maybe found proper running sooner.

One race you could run again and why? I could have also said Excalibur Marathon and will do that one again but given Laura chose that, then for me, the Sandstone trail (18 mile version) or the Tough team challenge. I enjoy the team effort and camaraderie, the weather is always good, nice to have a beer afterwards and not forgetting the veg chilli.

Best training tip: Do some hill training even if training for a flat road race. Don’t go all out for speed on your training runs, unless a speed session of course, appreciate recovery days.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I once played touch rugby for England.

Favourite Food; Like lots of food! Greek Meze, Thai, good steak and chips, dark chocolate

Favourite Drink;
Non-alcoholic – Tea first thing then coffee and water
Alcoholic – Wine, mojito, single malt whiskey

Favourite Film; I don’t have one, I like musicals, Singing in the Rain, Les Miserables. I also like daft comedies like Dumber and Dumber and some Steve Martin films, also like a lot of Tom Hanks films, Road to Perdition is good. Oh I also like Last of the Mohicans. Can’t choose!

Favourite Band/Song; Too difficult again! My going out days were in the 1980’s and 1990’s so like a lot from those eras.

Interests apart from running: Trying to refresh my rusty French, yoga (recently started online and love it) and reading. Apart from my main interest of being Mum to my daughter Sophie.

Laura Baynham-Hughes

A muddy Laura Baynham-Hughes

Age: 43

Height: 5ft 8

Place of Birth; Welwyn Garden City (down south!)

Started running when; Used to run the 800m at school then nothing much until hit my 30s. Did a few 5km and 10km in London, but not much until moved to Frodsham and followed in CBH’s footsteps and joined Helsby RC.

Average weekly mileage: Around 15- 20 miles, more when training for a longer event

Best PB’s:

  • 5km 21.22
  • 10km 43:00
  • HM 01:40:03
  • Mara 4h 47 (and 5300ft of climb!)

Most successful year; Probably 2016, was running well in the local fell races which kept me stocked in wine and got to represent Cheshire at the Inter Counties Fell Champs.

Biggest regret: No real regrets with running, maybe training harder and giving cross country a proper go when I was a teenager and had age on my side!

One race you could run again and why? Excalibur Marathon. I didn’t want to do a road marathon and get too focused on time so decided to go for this instead. Loved the race and really enjoyed doing all the training for it. Really chuffed to come third and would like to do it again when weather not quite as hot – it was scorchio!

Best training tip: When running downhill channel your inner Mario, relax and go for it!And don’t stop running at the first sign of any little niggle, learnt to realise that if you do that you will never run again!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know?
Currently retraining to be an Upholsterer so often seen armed with a staple gun, hammer or long pointy needle!

Favourite Food; Love food and cooking, favs are Thai, Mexican and proper Indian food

Favourite Drink;
Non-alcoholic – Tea
Alcoholic – G&T, wine, anything offered!

Favourite Film; Don’t really have a favourite – Love Actually is one of few films happy to watch again

Favourite Band/Song; that is very tricky, current favourites are The XX & Christine & the Queens, but love house, funk, jazz.

Interests apart from running: Heading off in the campervan with Chris and our boys, dancing, skiing, cooking and reading

Tim Palmer

Tim Palmer finishing Moel-y-Gamelin fell race – 25 June 2017

Age: 55

Height: 5ft 9

Place of birth: Ripon, Yorkshire (then in the West Riding, now in North Yorkshire)

I first started running: seriously in 2012 doing several of the Lakeland Trails 10k trail races. In late 2013, I started running with Helsby RC; joining the club in January 2014.

However, as I had been orienteering (with Deeside Orienteering Club) since 1998, I had been doing quite a lot of running as part of that. Also in May 1986 (whilst at university), I took part in Sport Aid’s 10km Race against Time (to support African famine relief charities) in London, amongst 200,000 runners

Average weekly mileage: my plan is about 20 miles a week, but the reality is always different…

Best PB’s:

  • Kentmere Horseshoe (11.9M 3300ft) 2:16:15
  • Penmaenmawr Fell Race (10M 1950ft) 93:55
  • 5K 20:06
  • 5M 34:55
  • 10K 45:42 (although my 10km intermediate time on my HM PB would have been sub 43)
  • HM 93:15 (4VHM 2017)

Most successful year: don’t think in these terms, but the second half of 2016 and the first half of 2017 was pretty fast

Biggest regret: None 🙂 Several what-ifs e.g. what if I had started running earlier, but then I would have missed out on the caving that occupied a lot of my spare time in the late 1980s through to early 2010s, which took me to some amazing places and adventures in the UK, Europe and Mexico.

One race you could run again and why? I would very happily run many (if not most) of the fell races that I have done ain and again. There are also other races like 4VHM, Tattenhall Tough Team, Wirral MT series and some of more scenic Border League races (Caernarfon, Mold and Deeside) that I would happily do again 🙂
If I have to narrow it down, it would be to two, Kentmere Horseshoe and Penmaenmawr Fell Race. Kentmere is as it is a classic horseshoe fell race, with a tough climb on the ridge following by spectacular running along the ridge and a big fast and challenging descent. In good weather, the views and scenery are brilliant. In bad, it is challenging. The atmosphere on the parking field and in the village hall is brilliant. Penmaenmawr is because it is a lovely late-season race (November) with some brilliant running on a variety of surfaces as well as some challenges (eg the bog). Back at the start/finish in Capulelo, the atmosphere is amazing, the free beer and soup are great.

Best training tip: listen to your body 😉

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I have been more than two miles underground, Whilst studying mining engineering at university, I spent the northern hemisphere summer in South Africa at Western Deep Levels (now TauTona) gold mine. At the time, this was the deepest mine in the world at 12,500ft (3.8km), I went down to about 11,500ft (3.5km). The rock temperature was around 50 deg C or more and the mine had immense cooling plants to make it possible to survive/work in these temperatures. The other amazing fact is that for every tonne of rock mined, only 6 grammes of gold was produced.In a cave, I have only been down about 1.1km in the Gouffre Berger in France

Favourite food: the variety of food, like lots of different foods – Italian, fish, Indian – individually my weakness is cheese

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – coffee
Alcoholic – good real ale

Favourite film: not much of a film person, possibly Shawshank Redemption

Favourite band/song: not sure, changes over time. My first musical memories were of Waterloo by ABBA

Interests apart from running: Caving, orienteering, walking, skiing

Emma Simpson

Emma Simpson

Age: 42

Height: 5ft 6

Place of Birth: Cumbria

I first started running: after the birth of my youngest, 12 years ago. I did couch to 5k and enjoyed it so kept going. Did the GNR twice and with two young kids ran regularly and at distance. In 2012 I got a knee injury and also started studying for my masters so running took a back seat for a while though I continued but not regularly. In 2017 I started running again but found it hard. We’d moved to Frodsham from Cumbria and I found running alone a strange experience. I got my other half running which helped and over the last couple of years we’ve run together but nothing serious. I’ve been doing the local park runs and as some are aware, I joined HRC in January this year. I’ve done Tatton Park and St. Helens 10 recently too. The lockdown has re-energised my love for running and I feel as fit now as I was in 2009, just a bit slower! I don’t think I’ll ever be fast but the benefit it brings me physically and mentally is great. I’ve even got myself a new dog ordered so I can have a running partner when no one else can join me. I used to run with a dog many years ago and their company is great, their craic isn’t always that good tho! 🐶🤣

Average weekly mileage: 10 Pre lockdown and 20 more recently

Best PB’s: all from the last year, don’t have my earlier years times

  • 5km: 26.52
  • 10km: 56.26
  • 5mile:
  • HM: 02:17 GNR 2010
  • Mara: not sure I’ll ever do that

Most successful year: probably this year, don’t think I’m as fast as 2009 / 2010 but it feels better than ever!

Biggest regret: don’t really have any, but wish I enjoyed cycling more. I have a road bike to mix it up a bit but the older I get the more scared I am, not of myself but other road users!

One race you could run again and why? I really liked the St Helens 10K, lots of rugby league interest and players there which is great for me as as a family we are huge Rugby league fans. Season ticket holders for Warrington Wolves.

Best training tip: warm-up and cool-down some stretch yoga too.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? My late grandfather was a Jewish evacuee who came to Windermere. He met my grandmother at college there and the rest is history. I owe a lot to what the people of Windermere did for Jewish refugees and prisoners of war.

Favourite Food: Mediterranean, Spanish probably. We have a huge desire to move to Spain in our later years.

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – Yorkshire Tea or Ribena.
Alcoholic – Red wine

Favourite Film: Lost Boys, brings back memories from that time

Favourite Band/Song: I like loads of stuff but my heart lies in old school dance, I was a 90’s raver! Still gets me moving when I hear the old tunes!

Interests apart from running: Love to travel, particularly Spain tho not this year! I like to cook and art as well, mainly pencil sketching and water colour.

Christine Webber

Christine Webber

Age: 52

Height: 5ft 6

Place of Birth: Leicester

I first started running: around 2003 with mums from my children’s primary school when we entered the Chester 5K Race for Life. I carried on running these for a few more years, at Delamere, Tatton and Birkehead. I then had a break but started running with my daughter for exercise and our mental health and we did 5K Race for Life at Delamere and then at her suggestion 10K at Tatton, which we ended up doing again and I actually managed to run all the way! Then running was off and on, and for about a year I didn’t do very much running or any exercise. But like Karen, I joined the MIND fundraiser RED January, RED being Run Every Day, I did activity every day and for motivation to get out in the dark evenings I used the C25K app. Karen and I met through the RED FB group and met up at the Delamere Parkrun that February. After January I carried on with C25k and finished it but knew I needed a goal otherwise I could easily stop going out so I signed up for a half marathon in the following October (Manchester) and started running once a week with a friend and following a plan off the internet. Well I did it and must have got the running bug as signed up for the Liverpool Rock and Roll Half Marathon the following May!!

Average weekly mileage: 15-20 recently

Best PB’s:

  • 5km: 30.08 Virtual 5k race
  • 10km: 70.40 HRC virtual time trial
  • 5mile:
  • HM: 02:44:39 (Stava time as can’t find chip time!) Helsby 4VHM
  • Mara: Like Karen – maybe one day!

Most successful year:This year is going well and lets see what the future holds!

Biggest regret: not really any regrets but need to do more strength and core work to complement my running.

One race you could run again and why? Not done many races but maybe Northwich 10k ( Festival of running) Thought I wasn’t going to get to do this race as holiday was booked after I entered and we would be coming back that day! I had started being a Parkrun tourist as worked saturdays and on the way up to Skye negotiated with the family that we could stop off over night on the Friday in Fort William and then I could do the Parkrun in the morning whilst they did some shopping! That worked out and I loved the course and met someone called Amanda from Northwich running club!!

On our holiday we did lots of walking and I fitted in a run and halfway through the week I got an email with the final details for the Northwich10K and that it was collect race numbers on the day…. suddenly I realised it might be possible to run given that we were staying overnight in Kendal on the way home the night before, so I just had to convince everyone it would be a good idea to get up early, to get me to Northwich for the start! Well I did it, just got there just in time and got a shout out from Amanda who was marshalling and recognised me!

So after waffling on would like to do this lovely run with a relaxed start and not after sitting in a car for a hour or so travelling!!!!

Best training tip: warm up and cool down and try to do some core exercises each week.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I have been to Belize in Central America on an expedition.

Favourite Food: Chocolate mostly darker varieties and fair trade if possible, chocolate brownie, I’m mainly vegetarian but eat some fish. When I’m trying to avoid cakes and chocolate and be healthier I like to snack on mixed nuts and dried fruit mix.

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – Coffee, Barley cup or something like Peppermint tea
Alcoholic – Gin and Tonic or Cider

Favourite Film: Hard to say, it used to be Truly Madly Deeply, recently I really liked Fisherman’s Friends (another interesting fact you may not know about me – I’ve been to a few Sea Shanty workshops and like singing in community choirs!)

Favourite Band/Song: like lots of music so hard to say!

Interests apart from running: Campaigning on environmental issues, walking, baking, singing and gardening.

Karen Horsley

Karen Horsley

Age: 47

Height: 5ft 3 (and a bit)

Place of Birth: near Glastonbury, Somerset

I started running in: December 2017 when I tried C25K for the second time – the first time being 8ish years earlier when I sprained my ankle in week 3 and declared “I don’t do running”!I joined the fundraiser RED January, RED being Run Every Day, in support of Mind and celebrated day 31 by running Chester City walls. I joined the club in August 2018 with Birchwood 10k being my first race in club colours.

Average weekly mileage: 10-20

Best PB’s:

  • 5km: 27:54 Delamere parkrun
  • 10km: 58:26 Southport Seaside
  • 5mile: 50:39 Chester Spring 5
  • HM: 02:24:32 (unofficial)
  • Mara: maybe one day!

Most successful year: I would say this is yet to come, having suffered ‘new runner enthusiasm’ and a string of injuries from about 9 months after starting running.

Biggest regret: keeping running through the pain!

One race you could run again and why? Ruthin 10k – I did this in February but because of flooding the route was amended to two laps of the 5k course. I enjoyed the race and would like to do the proper 10k course.

Best training tip: Rest days are important, listen to your body!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I am a published poet. I have two books ‘Kaleidoscopic Beauty’ and ‘I am the Stars in the Sky’ published through Amazon, and my poetry is also included in a number of anthologies and magazines.

Favourite Food: Chocolate, cake and ice cream, but since becoming vegan my choices in these are much restricted

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – Orange fruit and barley squash
Alcoholic – I don’t drink alcohol but I used to love a Black Russian (Kahlua and coke)

Favourite Film: About a Boy

Favourite Band/Song: Absolutely cannot answer this I like too much music!

Interests apart from running: writing poetry, watercolour painting, sewing and crochet/knitting

Ben Williams

Ben Williams at northern end of Sandstone Trail in Frodsham

Age: 42

Height: 5ft 10 ish

Place of Birth: St Asaph

I started running: aged about 9 when our teacher in primary school formed a club. Then drifted away until I got talked into entering the Great North Run for charity in 2006. I ran a few half marathons after that but couldn’t crack 2hrs on my own, so realised I needed to join a club. And that’s how I joined Helsby!

Average weekly mileage: it varies wildly depending on work and how motivated I feel. I aim for 100 miles a month but don’t always get there. The odd ultra helps keep the overall mileage up.

Best PB’s:

Most successful year:2015. I have no idea what happened but I set 5k, 10k and half marathon pb’s in quick succession in the spring. Apparently my 5 mile pb was that year too but I can’t remember what event that was…

Biggest regret: not being able to get under 4 hours at Chester Marathon. I didn’t train seriously enough, was on pace for most of it but blew up near the end.

One race you could run again and why? The North York Moors 100. To date the only 100 miler I’ve done, in my favourite part of the country. The weather was perfect, the trails and villages were beautiful, everything just clicked nicely and I never had any doubts I would finish.

Best training tip: I’m really not the person to ask for training tips! Make time for your training, you’re not going to train for an ultra by doing 30 minute runs. If the event calls for you to be out for hours, so should the training.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? Erm…. not that fascinating but I’ve performed at the Royal Albert Hall twice, once singing in the school choir and once playing with the Wrexham schools band.

Favourite Food: I love cheese and chocolate (not together) which is why I have to run!

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – Diet Coke, I’m addicted to the stuff.
Alcoholic – Scotch, single malt, preferably from one of the Islay distilleries

Favourite Film: Star Wars (the original). Once at uni a group of us watched the original trilogy back to back in one go, powered by beer and pringles.

Favourite Band/Song: I was a student in the 90’s so it was all about Oasis, Blur, Pulp and the other britpop bands. My first big gig was Pulp live in Sheffield the week after the Jarvis Cocker/Michael Jackson row, absolutely epic.

Interests apart from running: Walking, I can happily take myself off for the day in Wales or Yorkshire and walk for miles. Gardening, travelling, chilling with Serena and our cat Poppet.

Colin Bishop

Age: 60

Height: 5ft 10in

Place of Birth: Warrington

I started running when: I was at school stopped just after I was 17 after representing England as a schoolboy

Average weekly mileage: 60-70 miles including speed and hill sessions. .

Best PB’s:

Most successful year: difficult to say but managed 3 PBs last season

Biggest regret: I try not to have regrets but some say I could have achieved much more if I had continued running rather than running after women😆😆

One race you could run again and why? Hmm, I’m not sure about that as there are many races I have run with varying degrees of success. I would probably say 4VHM as this year that race brought me selection for England

Best training tip: A wise man once told me that consistency is the key and he wasn’t wrong!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? There isn’t one apart from the fact I am not as miserable as I look

Favourite Food: Anything Jane cooks, can’t beat a good risotto

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – Coffee with plenty of milk
Alcoholic – Don’t drink alcohol

Favourite Film: Green Mile. King Kong

Favourite Band/Song: I have eclectic taste Kozy Powell. Faithless Simply Red.

Interests apart from running: Fishing when I get chance. Anything outdoors with Jane

Col Thompson

Col Thompson

Age: 41

Height: 5ft 10in

Place of Birth: Billinge

I started running in: 2010 aged 30 after a work colleague talked me into running a 10k. I was never really the sporty type, I preferred drinking and smoking! I’d say running has changed my life for the better, I have made some great friends and haven’t looked back since that first race.

Average weekly mileage: currently 40-50 miles, but I run my best when consistently running 60+ miles a week with two speed sessions.

Best PB’s:

Most successful year: 2017 was my best year, I set 4 PBs that I haven’t got close to since. It was also the year I won my first race (Wigan Trail 10k). I’d love to get back to that sort of form again.

Biggest regret: I try not to have regrets but I suppose one is I wish I’d taken up running a bit earlier in life, but I was busy having fun when I was younger so don’t regret it too much. I’m doing it now which is the important thing.

One race you could run again and why? Hmm, I’m not sure about this one, I’ve run some amazing races over the years and have lots of good memories. London Marathon 2013 is one that stands out, it was the first time I ran sub 3 hours and the support and organisation was first class. Chester marathon 2018 is another special one, I raised a lot of money for CanTreat (chemotherapy unit in Runcorn) which is a charity close to my heart and ran a big PB on a fairly hilly course. The Wirral multi-terrain events in September is my favourite race series of the year, they epitomise everything I love about running, cheap to enter, quality competition and held in some stunning locations on the Wirral.

Best training tip: A wise man once told me that consistency is the key and he wasn’t wrong!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? Although not very fascinating, not a lot of people know I’m a pretty good juggler. I can juggle up to 5 balls, It took me years to learn practising almost every day, I think I was born to be a clown! 😊

Favourite Food: Can’t beat a good steak with peppercorn sauce!

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – Coffee, can’t function properly without it!
Alcoholic – Guinness

Favourite Film: 2001 a space odyssey

Favourite Band/Song: Oasis and the Stone Roses were the soundtracks to my youth

Interests apart from running: I bought a bike last year and enjoy cycling on a recovery day. It’s so much easier than running! Also enjoy walks with Louise.

David Wiggins

Age: 61

Height; 6ft 2in

Place of Birth; Liverpool

Started running: 45 years ago in green flash trainers

Average weekly mileage; 10- 15 miles, cycling 50 miles

Best PB’s:

  • HM; 1hr 31 min (1980). 2hr 1 min (2016)
  • Mara never done one

Most successful year: 2014 joined club after my son Steve persuaded me to whilst I was under the influence of alcohol after 30 years of hardly running. Completed first half marathon for 30 years at Conway and ran my first Helsby half shortly after.

Biggest regret: tripping over after first lap at Catterick Park run in front 300 plus people. Still got the scars to prove it. Always finishing nearly last in Borders races. (never any cake left)

One race you could run again and why? As with Steve motivated by food. Fairy Freckled Cow. Stunning scenery and breakfast to match.

Best training tip: Avoid hills. Any ascent higher than the kerb is hard work.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? Born 6 weeks premature, weighing 3lb 2oz (twin) now 20 stone heavier!

Favourite Food; proper fish and chips

Favourite Drink;

  • Non-alcoholic – Dr Pepper
  • Alcoholic – Dark rum

Favourite Film; Any Austin Powers

Favourite Band/Song; Bruce Springsteen/ Eagles

Interests apart from running: Liverpool FC, cycling , pies , kp peanuts

Phil Mann

Age: 56

Height; 5ft 10ish

Place of Birth; Liverpool

Started running when; December 2018 – C25K in an effort to get some more regular exercise. Prior to that, I always told Kate that running is bad for you and I only ran after balls and shuttlecocks.

Best PB’s:

  • 5km; 22:55
  • 10km; 46:40
  • HM; 1:47:12
  • Mara; Not run one

Most successful year; Not a lot to choose from but it has to be this year; I ran my first half marathon in January (4VHM) with Kate and astonished myself by finishing under 1:50 (all thanks to Kate dragging me round). It was an amazing day and, despite running the distance twice since then, I’ve still not beaten that time. I joined the club just after which is why no-one will know me or, probably, care 🙂

Biggest regret: Quite simply, not starting years ago. I’ve got the bug but I’m old and knackered.One race you could run again and why? I don’t have many to choose from but, although there are a few I’d love to do, it would always be our very own 4VHM; great course, fantastic, well organised event and I can stumble out of the house 15 minutes before the start.

Best training tip; Clearly I have too little experience to give any advice but, sadly, I have discovered the importance of conditioning through suffering a variety of common new runner injuries (it seems running really is bad for me).

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I have been both inside and on the roof of Eaton Hall.

Favourite Food; A really good steak and ale pie

Favourite Drink; Non-Alcoholic – Coffee Alcoholic – Skye Ales

Favourite Film; ‘Field of Dreams’

Favourite Band/Song; currently ‘Tedeschi Trucks’ and the very talented and local ‘Jaywalkers’

Interests apart from running: Photography, Everton, Baseball and I am trying (mostly failing) to learn the guitar. Most mid-life crises involve fast sports cars but mine led to running and guitar – not sure what that says about me.

Kate Mann

Age: 26 (for a few more days!)

Height; 5ft 2

Place of Birth; Chester

Started running when; 2011 when I signed up the the 4vhm having never run further than around the school field. Literally passed out after crossing the line in 1:55 and have the most depressing/hilarious post race photo to prove the trauma 😂

Average weekly mileage; around 20-25 miles at the moment

Best PB’s:

  • 5km; 21:35
  • 10km; 44:22
  • HM; 1:35:11
  • Mara; 3:37

Most successful year; 2017; did my 1:35 half marathon at the village bakery and then did my second marathon that May which I absolutely loved every second of and beat my first marathon by half an hour! Sadly the rest of the year was spent hobbling around with a dodgy hip and I’ve never been the same since 🤷🏼‍♀️

Biggest regret: my Liverpool time qualified for good for age for the London marathon but the hip problem wouldn’t go away so had to let it slide, maybe lack of strength training is the real regret!

One race you could run again and why? Always the 4vhm, first and favourite despite the weather!

Best training tip; I guess not to overdo it and avoid comparisons.. enjoy it!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? Basically got my current job as an Acoustic Engineer from using Strava and seeing that some guys from another team in the office were going running at lunch and I plucked up the courage to ask if I could join.

Favourite Food; All the sugar, all the chocolate

Favourite Drink; Pepsi Max

Favourite Film; The Dark Knight Batman films

Favourite Band/Song; Fleetwood Mac

Interests apart from running: Big Everton fan for my sins

Steve Wiggins

Age: 27

Height; 6ft

Place of Birth; Chester

Started running when; 2013 went to visit my mate in uni and decided we’d do a 10k race on no training, a spicy curry and a ‘few’ pints

Average weekly mileage; between 35-45

Best PB’s:

  • 5km; 21:58
  • 10km; 45:50
  • HM; 1:37
  • Mara 4:13

Most successful year; 2019 – not in terms of times but after piling on 2 1/2 stone while working away and doing nothing but eating curry and drinking pints. it was good to ditch that and get some faster times in and even the odd pb!

Biggest regret: Got to be the ring o fire, between wasting times at check points and changing my socks which shredded my feet and timed me out on day 2 with 5 miles to go.

One race you could run again and why? Fairy Freckled Cow me and dad tend to have a maccies on the way then a cooked brekky on the way back laaaave it!

Best training tip; Plenty of Guinness but of course enjoy your running and have a laugh!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I am not that interesting really, going to be a dad in August but I am not doing the hard work at the moment other than the running around!

Favourite Food; Anything, I am pretty much a human bin.

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – Dr Pepper the drink of true champs Alcoholic – again pretty much anything, not keen on cider but would give it a go if I had too.

Favourite Film; Damned United, 1917

Favourite Band/Song; Oasis, Snow Patrol and a bit of Frank Turner

Interests apart from running: Liverpool FC, an occasional bit of Runcorn Linnets and the middle aisle in Aldi (come out with all sorts)

Rachel Holden

Age: 36

Height; 5ft 2

Place of Birth; Chester

Started running when; 2014…signed up for race for life with my friends thinking it would be easy!! From then I decided to actually train and got into running more.

Average weekly mileage; between 40-45

Best PB’s:

  • 5km; 21:59
  • 10km; 45:42
  • HM; 1:42:38
  • Mara 3:42

Most successful year; 2019 – Got myself ready for London marathon. Trained well, and pb on all my distances, apart from a half because I didn’t do 1…

Biggest regret: letting other people get into my head about what I should and shouldn’t be doing. You know your body best, so do what suits you 🙂

One race you could run again and why? London, best race I’ve done. The atmosphere and whole weekend was amazing. Never felt so excited running for tbat long..loved every min of it 😊

Best training tip; Listen to your body, don’t be afraid to take a break if your hurting. Listen to advice but don’t let it rule what you do. You know what works for you better than anyone.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? Erm….I love running up hills and never moan about it 🤨

Favourite Food; Nibble foods, steak, curry 👌

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – Juice and flavoured water also Love a latte as well Alcoholic – Prosecco, wine, gin, spiced rum

Favourite Film; Conair, face off, p.s I love you, notebook

Favourite Band/Song; Olly Murs (older songs) take that, dance music, the killer…I like quiet a lot of music

Interests apart from running: Nice walks, biking (new thing since lockdown) visiting Benidorm 🤪

Peter Rodriguez

Age: 43

Height; 5ft 6

Place of Birth; Chester

Started running when; 2013, used to be over 15 stone at one point. Decided to do something about it and never looked back, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Average weekly mileage; between 30-50.

Best PB’s:
5km; 19.03
10km; 39.23
HM; 1:33.04
Mara 3:52

Most successful year;
2018 – Got myself nice and fit was banging out PB’s every week.

Biggest regret: My philosophy is not to have regrets, try to make the best decision with the information available to you at the time.

One race you could run again and why?
Refer to my spiel on regrets.

Best training tip;
Listen to your body, don’t be afraid to take a break if your hurting. I don’t, and I’ve been injured for pretty much two years.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know?
I am a Spanish passport holder as my dad is originally from Cadiz southern Spain.

Favourite Food; Fillet steak, rare 👌

Favourite Drink;
Non-alcoholic – Can’t beat a post race road brew.
Alcoholic – Plain old lager, I am quite partial to a glass of Prosecco though.

Favourite Film; tropic thunder. Can’t really say that it’s my favourite, but its a cracker.

Favourite Band/Song; Quite like kings of Leon.

Interests apart from running: Open water swimming, cycling.

Chris Baynham-Hughes

Age: 43

Height: 182cm

Place of Birth: Chester (plastic Welshman I know! Started running when; maybe 2004? Something like that. I’d spent 10 years doing zero exercise and was super stressed at work, one massive runner’s high later and I started running a few days per week am entering the Nike 10kms that were organised in London. I didn’t start running properly though until I moved back to the North west in 2008 after a year of travelling.

Average weekly mileage: my baseline is 50 miles. Sadly after 7 bullet proof years I’ve been dogged by a mystery injury for the last 3 years so am currently around 50-70kms.

Best PB’s:
5km; this will absolutely burn Fritzy to his core, but I have no idea, I don’t run them. Sub 20 something.
10km; no idea, I don’t run them. Sub 40 something.
HM; don’t know, it’s around 1:20 ish.
Mara 2:59:16 I think. The hours and minutes are right.

Most successful year:
Running wise, I don’t know tbh. Could be 2012 where I finished the dragons back, ran 20h44m for the Bob graham, came 5th in the Hardmoor55… best race was winning the 12 hour version of the last Marmott24 and was only 1-2 controls away from winning the 24 hour version despite only being out for 12 hours.

Biggest regret: don’t have one, I just run for fun, not regrets. The only race I’ve not completed is the Lakeland 100 but I’ve never regretted not completing it. (It’s a long story). One thing I would have loved to have done was finish UTMB with my mate Tin. I don’t regret my decision to stop as I had a dangerous case of heatstroke and was physically ill for 5 days. I went back the next year and competed it.

One race you could run again and why? I’m not bothered about racing again. I will never tire of the dragons back though. I’ve completed it 3 times and then retired from racing 🙂 I’ll do hope to return to the fells, but no particular race. I do have a challenge left to do in that I want to complete the paddy Buckley round.
Races wise they will be mountain marathons or swim runs, no big pure running races.

Best training tip: enjoy it. Don’t be a slave to a programme unless that’s what you love. Run with a smile – the best session is the session you do.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I used to be a kayak instructor.

Favourite Food; ridiculous question. Anything cooked with love. Cuisine wise I’d have to go Thai, or real southern Indian food, or Italian, actually, maybe Spanish… then again, you can’t beat a good Dhal Bhat and momos… ol, anything cooked with love.

Favourite Drink:
Non-alcoholic – squash or a fresh lime and soda.
Alcoholic – Beer with taste; I.e., not larger. Give me a punk ipa or similar and I’m your friend.

Favourite Film: ridiculous question… Carlito’s way is a belter, if you’ve not seen it go and watch it… now…. well go on then.

Favourite Band/Song: the most ridiculous question ever. If you can answer this one you probably don’t really care about music. Too many to mention.

Interests apart from running: my family, then in no particular order: skiing, snowboarding, swimming, orienteering, anything in the mountains, camping, white water kayaking and play boating, rugby, bit of cycling, peloton, DJ-ing, music in general, from 90s hip hop to jazz to funk and soul, to house and trance, drum n bass, techno, industrial, trip hop, I could go on. Economics, the open organisation and leadership, workplace culture, coaching transformation and innovation within organisations. Films, biographies, travel, people… that’s probably enough.

Chris Fitzpatrick

Age: 43

Height; 5ft 10

Place of Birth; Chester (plastic scouser I know!)

Started running when; 2010 – Few years after my daughter was born and fed up of twisted ankles from playing footy, I wanted to get fit and jib the ciggies so entered the world famous 4VHM. (I ran it in footy shorts and a holiday T-Shirt).

Average weekly mileage; 40-50 when fit and for 4 months of the year increases to 60-70 for marathon training

Best PBs: 5km: 16.52; 10km: 33.55; HM: 1:16.10; Marathon: 2:42.26

Most successful year; 2019 – Only 4 months of it though, got PB’s in all my distances apart from half marathon that I did in 2018, but spent the rest of the year injured. P&D takes it toll.

Biggest regret: Not running faster at the finish at Manchester Marathon in 2018. 4 months of no booze, 4 months of hard training for a sub 2.45 marathon and I finished it in 2:45.01. Yes you read it right, 2 seconds out. Why didn’t you just run faster I hear you say? I tried believe me

One race you could run again and why? Ring of Fire 2014. After completing a 135 mile multi day ultra marathon, you really do need to come over the finish line the right way, unlike I did ha ha. I also would do it again as it was totally out of my comfort zone at the time, probably still is now, but had such a laugh with the Helsby contingent and on course support, a brilliant experience all around.

Best training tip; Slow down a bit and focus more on the mileage. Don’t be afraid to have a few days off as well, listen to your body. Oh and don’t run a 5 mile road race 3 days after a marathon (unless it’s a borders league race) as you might get injured.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? My blood is green, and i have a 6 pack underneath that belly of mine.

Favourite Food; Roast Dinner in the winter and BBQ’s in the Summer

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – Yeah right !Alcoholic – Guinness

Favourite Film; Goodfellas

Favourite Band/Song; Don’t really have one but I could plump for The Beatles maybe as was brought up on their music (yep I’m that old). Anything played on Radio X as well

Interests apart from running: Loads but I like a bit of cycling, open water swimming, and Golf, love my family to bits, but the real love of my life is the current European Champions, soon to be Premier League Winners Liverpool, and Liverpool reserves

Ben Mace-Crossley

Age: 34

Height; 5ft 8

Place of Birth; Halifax, West Yorkshire.

Started running when; 2017 when I relocated to Helsby from Leeds for a work project. Running replaced sitting at the end of a bar, plus I realised I didn’t need a smoke if I ran in the morning.

Average weekly mileage; Depends what I’m training towards and if injured or not but usually between 30 to 50.

Best PB’s: These are old figures as most of my runs are off-road and rather lumpy.

  • 5km 19:03
  • 10km 40:21
  • HM 01:28:31
  • Mara 03:40:16

Most successful year; I wouldn’t say I’ve yet had a fully successful year. This year was shaping up to be pretty awesome following my top ten finishes in two ultras in January and February. Angelsey and Pendle Way. But then Covid struck, and now I’m injured 😒

Biggest regret: Same as my mate Paul. Wish I had started running earlier in life, used to love it in school. But then I got sucked into the party life.

One race you could run again and why? Chester 100. I DNF’d due to being very cocky with my training and thinking I knew better. So many lessons learnt leaving me a touch more humble.

Best training tip; This is tough as the club has so many amazing members willing to share their experiences and expertise.

  • Mario Foschi – you need to be fit before you can train.
  • Fitzy – consistency over anything.
  • Paul Cunningham – Just slow down. 😂
  • Jim – Don’t look back.
  • Paul Frodsham – Recovery is not a dirty word.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? Ha! If you’ve ever met me you’ll have soon realised I have a condition that leaves me with nowhere to hide. I’m an open book baby.. but I’m a self-taught multi-instrumentalist. So when I’m not running I’m in my home-built studio. Though I must say, whether the noise I make is coherent is questionable.

Favourite Food; The wife is a mean cook so it’s hard to choose one main dish. Veggie Spag Bol with lentils and mushrooms has to be up there though.

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – Black coffee. Columbian if available.Alcoholic – I’ve knocked booze on the head recently as my life is much easier and controllable without it but I do miss a glass of Malbec and a pint of Guinness.

Favourite Film; Back to Future the trilogy.

Favourite Band/Song; Elliott Smith is my favourite artist.Song? Impossible to answer. Depends on circumstances and mood.

Interests apart from running: Hanging out with my Daughter Elsie and Wife Amelie. Also being creative with music.

Paul Cunningham

Age: 51

Height; 6ft

Place of Birth; Birkenhead

Started running when;2014 basically to lose some weight after giving up smoking

Average weekly mileage; Solid 30 each week with a few more miles here and there

Best PB’s:

  • 5km 21.41
  • 10km 43.55
  • HM 01:41.12
  • Mara 03:30.54

Most successful year; 2018 – Basically ran every race I could fit into the calendar year as raising funds for Claire House Childrens Hospice #21 raised over £15,000.

Biggest regret: Not a regret – running came late into my life but at the right time to give me a direction which I totally embraced

One race you could run again and why? The Cheviot Goat went hypothermic 7 miles from the finish after completing the 10,000ft of Vert only race I haven’t finished.

Best training tip; You have to have a base fitness before you can train. Plus enjoy what you are doing after all you paid to play here 😂

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I take dogs into my home that would otherwise be destroyed until we can find them a forever home❤

Favourite Food; Literally I eat and enjoy all foods

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – Ribena Alcoholic – Very rare these days but I will participate in the odd Gin n tonic.

Favourite Film; Midnight Express

Favourite Band/Song; U2/Bad

Interests apart from running: Walking my 5 dogs , Golf and Fly fishing

Geoff Collins

Age: 63 years, in my head still about 30.

Height; 5” 10″

Place of Birth; Isleworth (Outer London) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Started running when; In the 1980’s a female work friend encouraged me to have a go, I liked her so gave in. I also wanted to beat my then brothers-in-law, half marathon time. I became a bit of a one-trick pony mainly running half marathons until the 1990s. Then I had a break and returned to running in 2006.

Average weekly mileage; 25m, as you get older, its more about quality and enjoyment of your run than the distance.

Best PB’s:

  • 5km 21m ? that was a long time ago!
  • 10km 44m
  • HM 01:30:05
  • Mara 03:50:40

Most successful year; 2015 – Ran the London marathon for charity. First for Clatterbridge raising £6,500 an incredible adventure cruising to a sub 4hr time to get an enhanced donation. Joined Helsby Running Club. Then in 2016 for Save the Children raising £3,500. Meeting some amazing people. I really appeciated all the help I had in training for a marathon, and loved helping the person who nominated me here to do the same! It is really rewarding and encouraging to help others on a journey to archive their dream.Biggest regret: Not joining a running club sooner. The friendship and encouragement is amazing.

One race you could run again and why? Northumberland Coastal because I love the area and the views.

Best training tip; Never give up, tomorrow is another day. Sometimes it doesn’t go to plan, have another go. Getting injured isn’t the end of the world.😊Eat plenty of food!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I can fly a light aircraft, running is far cheaper however many trainers you buy! 😂

Favourite Food; Chocolate, or anything coated with it.

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – Tea, water, orange juice Alcoholic – Red wine😅Favourite Film; All the James Bond films.

Favourite Band/Song; Anything by Coldplay/Elton John.

Interests apart from running: Sailing, cycling, swimming, travel, hill walking, railways and aviation.

Hayley Brooks

Age: 25 years young

Height; 5”4

Place of Birth; Falkirk, Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Started running when; Was never into running until I signed up for my first half in Aviemore 2016, trained on a little 3 miles took me 3hr 45mins while my dad dragged me off a pavement 😂 then the bug came, never stopped since

Average weekly mileage; Can we not 😂😂😂 hopefully increase this..

Best PB’s:

  • 5km 23:13
  • 10km 48:58
  • HM 01:46:39
  • Mara 03:58:44

Most successful year; 2018/2019 – worked hard for my first ever marathon LDN even bet my own expectations, learnt a lot along the way, injuries, pacing and some fantastic friendships

One race you could run again and why? Budapest 30K minus the heat, was very scenic and loved every minute of it

Best training tip; Pace yourself 👌 rest too

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I was in The Only Way is Essex while in marbs 😂😂(don’t think that’s fascinating but I couldn’t think!)

Favourite Food; Sweets – Tesco Pic N Mix is a dream

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – Diet Coke Alcoholic – G&T, aperol spritz, prosseco or anything alcoholic 😅

Favourite Film; Tough choice! Moulin Rouge

Favourite Band/Song; Oasis alllll of um!

Interests apart from running: Socialising, travelling, gym, eating out & trying new things!

Ben Tumilty

Age: 29 (look 15, feel 73 😩)

Height; 5”10

Place of Birth; Lincoln

Started running when; Did a cross country in school. Came last. Gave up running until 2017 when I moved up from Cornwall. Didn’t hate it as much as I thought (or as I’d have you all believe!)

Average weekly mileage; Normally? Like, 25-30. Currently? I’m lucky if I get 15. The bike, on the other hand… 😂

Best PB’s:

  • 5km 21:05
  • 10km 43:05
  • HM 1:45
  • Mara 4:13:37

Most successful year; 2019/2020 – “ran” a marathon, then hit my 5k and 10k PB in the same race just 3 weeks later. Pretty buzzed about that.

One race you could run again and why? Plenty I’ve not done but really want to, but for one to run again? 4VHM. I have unfinished business. Oh, and 50p hot dogs are the best 👌🏻

Best training tip; Run slower. (Still working on it myself…)

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I’m fluent in French and spent a season working in the alps – I’m outstanding on a pair of skis! Favourite Food; Pizza – I am literally obsessed with the stuff 🍕

Favourite Drink; Non-alcoholic – fresh lemon juice Alcoholic – a Charlie Chaplin (apricot brandy, sloe gin, lime juice). Don’t @ me, it’s sublime Favourite Film; Fight Club

Favourite Band/Song; Linkin Park – Faint.

Interests apart from running: Cricket, music, reading, cooking, and baking (particularly bread). Basically an old person 😂

Hannah Cowley

Age: 25

Height; 5”6

Place of Birth; Chester

Started running when; I ran in school but stopped in year 11. I then started to get a real love for running when my twin brother would take me out every with him every weekend a few years ago.

Average weekly mileage; Probably around 40-50 a week.

Best PB’s: 5km 17:43 (although I did fall over on this one 😂)5mile 28:1210km 36:5815km 1:00:061/2 marathon 1:19:59

Most successful year; 2018/19 – my first year of competitive racing. I pb’d on both my half at the 4VHM and my 5 mile being the 19th fastest female time the UK. Despite the season coming to an early end with a stress fracture I really fell in love with running, joined the best running club and really learned what I was capable of.

One race you could run again and why?This will always be the 2019 4 Villages Half Marathon. My favourite race!! What’s not to love about this?! The support I got on the course, coming down the finish and during the presentation was unreal! As well as getting a PB of 1:19:50 I will forever love that day!

Best training tip;Hills are friends 🏔😁👍

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? Everyone probably knows this but I have a twin brother who is 3 minutes older than me and is someone I drag out to train with me now and then 😁

Favourite Food; Cookies … I am a real Cookie Monster 🍪

Favourite Drink; A love a sparkling water with lemon 🍋 (boring I know!)

Favourite Film; Too many to choose from but Jurassic park 🦖

Favourite Band/Song; I love listening to Drake whilst training

Interests apart from running: I love walking my dogs, swimming, and going to the gym

Chris Lloyd

Age: 40

Height; 6’2”

Place of Birth; Blackpool. I am still a first claim member for Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde AC – my lifelong club.

Started running when; I ran in school as part of the cross country team – I didn’t like it when I was forced to but found a real passion for running when I started work.

Average weekly mileage; 45-50. Having had a period of several years where I was only running 20 miles per week, the lockdown has presented an opportunity to redress my work / life balance.

Best PB’s: 5km 17:4810km 36:551/2 marathon 1:24Marathon 3:05Most successful year;2015 – my first marathon and my current PB at London. Amazing atmosphere and the year when everything came together for a change!!

One race you could run again and why; 2015 London Marathon. It was my first marathon and I enjoyed every minute. Was on track for sub 3 until cramp from hell set in. Still convinced that despite cresting 40 I still have sub 3 in me!

Best training tip; Don’t be afraid to have a day off – listen to your body and take time to rest.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I am the Chief Nuclear Officer of Urenco, the UK’s uranium enrichment capability (yes I do actually hold a responsible position!!)

Favourite Food; Same as my favourite country – Italian!! 👍🏻

Favourite Drink; Alsatian white wines, Pinot Blanc being the number one choice

Favourite Film; Too many to mention but if you held a gun to my head probably The Godfather

Favourite Band/Song; Pink Floyd, Comfortably Numb

Interests apart from running; Cycling, hill climbing and skiing. Oh and the aforementioned drinking!

John Whitehead

Age: 34

Height: 6’1″ (185.4cm)

Place of Birth: Warrington and Grew up in Runcorn

Started running when: In school I hated running I was one of the slowest! I started running for enjoyment in 2007 when I entered the Santa Dash, I remember the days when running a mile was tough but it spiralled from there!

Average weekly mileage: quite low at the moment (15-30 miles) as I’m not really training for anything. Aim is quality consistent miles rather than quantity and it seems to be paying off

Best PBs: Having not raced a measured distance in awhile and foxes on the fells where PBs are more like personal achievements these are a little out dated. 5km ~21mins, 10km ~42mins, 1/2 marathon 1hr 36mins and marathon 4hrs 10mins

Most successful year: wouldn’t say I have one year that I could define as successful, lots of small achievements over many years, 2009 I spent a small fortune of race entrance fees and did a medal a month and then 2016 I combined my love of the mountains with my love of running and discovered fell running properly!

One race you could run again and why: 2010 London Marathon despite great training pre Xmas I fell off a treadmill in the gym and damaged my knee 12 weeks before! I was on for 3hr 10 finish at the 15 mile point then pop! My knee went, hobbled and crawled the last 11 miles to finish in 4hrs 10

Best training tip: if your head starts to go and you find yourself putting too much pressure on yourself! Forget the watch leave it at home and just run how your body wants to run if you stop and walk so what! Dropping the use of a watch for a couple of years was the best thing I did when I lost my mojo!

A fascinating fact about you we would not know?
I really don’t think I’m that fascinating! But I bought our Campervan as a builders van and converted Myself over a number of years through lots of blood sweat and tears!

Favourite Food: Anything and everything I’m a massive foodie the only reason I run is so I can eat! But Italian if I had too choose!

Favourite Drink: Single Malt (Jura aged 10 years or Lagvulin 16 years)

Favourite Film: Snatch / Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Favourite Band/Song: Too many too list but to name a few Shinedown / Oasis / Foo Fighters / Iron Maiden (any fans might of picked up on the number can on the campervan)

Interests apart from running: Anything in the Mountains from walking to Rock Climbing and Snowboarding (can’t wait to get Olivia-Rose on a board) and then out into the sea for a spot of surfing.

Becky Pearce

Age: 35, had to think then (it’s TRUE what they say) the older you get you forget your age. Still a spring chicken tho 😊.

Height: 5’3″

Place of Birth: Warrington

Started running: when was in primary school, I used to love short distance races in sports day. However, found my love for running in my early 20s & I’ve never looked back. I refer to my running shoes as my therapist, especially now during lockdown.

Average weekly mileage; currently on Mat leave & due to the lovely sunny days averaging anything between 8-20 Miles a week.

Best PB’s: done a few 10ks just under 53mins & 5k Parkrun PB just under 23mins. In all honesty I tend to just run for the head space & I never time myself. Recently I’ve been focusing more on upping my distance. As I would love to do a Marathon one day soon.

Most successful year: this would have to be last year when I gave birth to our gorgoues little Boy Eddie. Running links to this year as I ran until 26 weeks pregnant, did a Parkrun at around this time, started back running at 6 weeks post birth & then did a few races following this. High Leigh 10k, 4 Villages, Ruthin 10k. I feel extra proud as so many people scared me off claiming once you have a baby you’ll struggle to run again & keep up exercising. I can honestly say I’ve proved these people wrong & it feels great 😊.

One race you could run again and why? Conway half Marathon- the views are incredible & I’m all for beautiful scenery on a run.

Best training tip: No matter how your feeling lace up & leave your worries on the doormat. Just keep running, you’ll feel better for it & theres always chocolate & cake after.

A fascinating fact about you we would not know? I used to be a professional ice skater. However sadly stopped at 12 years as I was too shy. Gutted as I can do a great Bum Spin.

Favourite Food; Love Thai food, anything Italian & anything gingerbread related or chocolate based.

Favourite Drink; Peppermint tea. Cant remember the last time I drank alcohol- is that sad.

Favourite Film; Anything Disney or Musical based.

Favourite Band/Song; Very varied music taste, love Foals, Craig Charles funk & soul & Elton John or Simlpy Red, oh & chemical brothers…. depends on my mood. Fav song has to be our wedding song Jackie Wilson, your love lifts me higher ♡.

Interests apart from running; I’m at my happiest outdoors, climbing mountains or kayaking on Bala Lake (Happy memories) any time spent in Wales also makes my Soul Happy.

June Whitehead

Age; 33 and 1 day!

Height; 5’3″

Place of Birth; Lancashire

Started running when was; very young! I had lots of energy as a child so Mum and Dad encouraged me to run everywhere!!!

Average weekly mileage; 25-30miles on a good week

Best PB’s (100m to ultra marathon, you choose); I used to be a bit of a speed-demon who liked to run around in circles on the track but my own personal best came in the unlikeliest of places….the fell relays 2017 when I spent the best part of two hours chasing Laura Bayham-Hughes up and down mountains! No idea what time we did but from a personal point of view it was my best and longest run in the mountains!

Most successful year; World Student Games, 2006. I reached the final for the 800m and lost my spikes so had to run in my friend’s spikes that were 2 sizes too big! That’s my excuse for not getting a podium finish!

One race you could run again and why? Borders League, Buckley 2019 – my first race back after having Olivia-Rose. I was around 3 months post-partum, sleep deprived and at the start line wondering what on earth I was doing but the sense of achievement at the finish line was unreal especially when your little baby girl is waiting for you!

Best training tip; Always do a ‘proper’ warm up, at least 10 minutes! Oh and always have a post-run brew! They are the best!

One fascinating fact about you we would not know? I lived on the Isle of Arran for 6months when I wanted to train as a vet but realised very quickly that I don’t do blood!

Favourite Food; Sausage and mash (we had this at our wedding breakfast too!)Favourite Drink; Red wine…lots of it!

Favourite Film; Monster Inc!

Favourite Band/Song; Foo Fighters/ Times like These

Interests apart from running; Heading out for adventures in our campervan (can’t wait to go exploring once we are out of lockdown), baking and trying to grow veggies in our allotment!

Debbie Read

Age; 62 11/12ths

Height; 5’6″

Place of Birth; Liverpool

Started running when was; 46, dad was diagnosed with cancer, I did one of the early Races for LifeAverage weekly mileage; 25ish these days

Best 3 PB’s (100m to ultra marathon, you choose); Capenhurst 5k 22.01when 55yrs old Dublin Marathon 3hr 59mins when 58yrs, all the rest are a blur.

Most successful year; not necessarily most successful but most memorable 2006 – did Paris and Chicago marathons.

One race you could run again and why? Gin Pit 5 out Wigan way in 2012-my 1st ever race that wasn’t on road. The feeling of WOW, loving the mud, puddles and trails, this is so much better than tarmac slapping.

Best training tip; Always find time to do a quick 2 minutes stretching after every run and try to incorporate some daily stretching, core work or upper body exercises to complement your running. Oh, and take a cold liver oil capsule every day to keep your joints moving freely.

One fascinating fact about you we would not know? I used to do extras work, usually just crowd scenes. Have done BBC dramas with Hayley Mills (terrible diva) Peter Bowles, Hollyoaks and “The Girl Can” promotion to name a few.

Favourite Food; Dark chocolate

Favourite Drink; Hmm, where to start? Regular drink at home/work-hot water. Pub-Guinness.Evenings at home red wine or G&T.

Favourite Film; The Lion King

Favourtie Band/Song; Dire Straights Telegraph Road.

Interests apart from running; Spending time with my family (cheesy I know) husband of 41 years Geoff, 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Also find gardening very therapeutic.

Paul Frodsham

Age; 62

Height; 5’11

Place of Birth; Helsby

Started running when was; 1984

Average weekly mileage; 90’s – 80 mpw Now 40 mpw

Best 3 PB’s (100m to ultra marathon, you choose); 5k 14.50 5mile 24.41 HM 68.36

Most successful year; 1993

One race you could run again and why? Just wish I’d run a marathon at my best! I didn’t run one till I was 43 and just went to pace a mate to 20 mile at 6 minute miling off one weeks notice!

Best training tip; Consistency,work hard and enjoy it!

Interests; I was born to be a Grandad

One fascinating fact about you we would not know? I wore Orange before it was fashionable!

Favourite Food; Italian (pasta)

Favourite Drink; Lager/Red wine

Favourite Film: Four Weddings and a Funeral

Favourtie Band/Song; Paul Weller – Peacock Suit

Interests apart from running; Music, biking ,walking my dog and generally just being sociable!